ArmourFlex Ultimate Cladding UV Protection Oil

Architectural Cladding can deteriorate quickly, rapidly lose colour and turn silver/grey. Armourflex® Ultimate Cladding UV Protection Oil is a premium blend of natural oils, waxes, and resins, incorporating innovative UV stabilising technology to protect against weathering and UV damage that causes wood to swell, twist and grey. The finish also contains active ingredients to aid in the prevention of mould, fungi, and algae growth. The transparent/clear oil and wax formula imparts excellent water repellence to both softwood and hardwood, giving a microporous finish that is resistant to flaking, peeling, cracking and blistering. Contains film biocide. If used on unpreserved timber, use Barrettine Universal Preserver as a primer prior to applying Armourflex Ultimate Cladding UV Protection Oil.

Protects high-value cladding from UV degradation
Retains original wood colour
Extends wood life
Significantly enhances water-shedding properties

Size: 4 Litre

DIY Week Winner of Garden Product of the Year Category, 2020.


Order Code
4L ArmourFlex UV Protection Oil

How long will it last?  Armourflex UV Protection Oil’s level of protection will depend on how much sun, rain and frost the wood is subjected to. Testing is carried out in the UK under ‘worst case scenarios’, with an exposed South facing façade at 45°C to the sun. This maximises the amount of UV light our test pieces receive, and they also experience the full brunt of British rain and frost. Under this scenario, our test pieces require re-coating approximately once per year. However, most exterior joinery is not at 45°C and usually has some degree of shade at certain times of day. For a more realistic average scenario, we would expect most situations to require re-coating every two years, and this is best carried out in early Autumn or after the last Spring frost.


To order call us 01386 840373 or email