Installation Guidelines
Rabbit netting should be supported by line wires positioned at the top, and bottom of the net. A straining post to tension the line wire is required at every major change in direction or end of the fence.The bottom 150mm of the netting can be turned out or buried in the ground to help prevent the rabbit going under the fence. The netting is stretched slightly by hand and clipped to the line wires approximately every metre using suitable clips.
Rabbit Wire – 31mm mesh
A 31mm mesh size has been proven to be the most effective size for excluding rabbits. Integrated salvage wires provide additional strength, and the net can be turned out if required to prevent burrowing underneath.
Length of roll: 50m
18 or 19 gauge.
GAUGE Is thickness. The higher the gauge number the thinner the metal. For example 18 gauge is thicker than 19 gauge.
Available in 3 heights: 600mm (2’0″), 1050mm (3’6″) , 1.2mm (4’0″)
A delivery service is available at very reasonable rates and is charged based on your location. All products can be collected during opening hours free of charge from the Timber Yard at Weston Sub Edge.
Compliance with British and European Standards
BSEN 10218 – Steel Wire and Wire Products part 2 – General Wire Dimensions and Tolerances.
BSEN 10223 – Steel Wire and Wire Products for Fencing and Netting part 5 – Steel Wire Woven Hinged Joint and Knotted Mesh Fencing.
BSEN 10244 – Steel Wire and Wire Products Non-ferrous Metallic Coatings on Steel Wire part 2 – Zinc or Zinc Alloy Coatings (all Tornado products galvanised to class A).
All Tornado products are 100% recyclable.
This fence is batch marked and can be traced back to point of manufacture.