This netting has similar size holes as L8/80/15 stock netting but it is much higher at 1200mm overall.
The extra height makes it possible in some cases to do away with barbed wire along the top of the netting, and when used with a standard height post and rail fences, the netting goes to the top rail of the fence.
Lightweight Stock Wire L10/120/15
L10/120/15 is a lighter weight mild steel stock fence than C8/80/15 – it is also higher at 1200mm.
Specification. No of line wires: 10 wires.
Overall height 1200mm.
Distance between vertical stay wires: 150m.
Supplied in 50m rolls.
A delivery service is available at very reasonable rates and is charged based on your location. All products can be collected during opening hours free of charge from the Timber Yard at Weston Sub Edge.
Compliance with British and European Standards
BSEN 10218 – Steel Wire and Wire Products part 2 – General Wire Dimensions and Tolerances.
BSEN 10223 – Steel Wire and Wire Products for Fencing and Netting part 5 – Steel Wire Woven Hinged Joint and Knotted Mesh Fencing.
BSEN 10244 – Steel Wire and Wire Products Non-ferrous Metallic Coatings on Steel Wire part 2 – Zinc or Zinc Alloy Coatings (all Tornado products galvanised to class A).
Sustainability: All Tornado products are 100% recyclable.
Traceability: This fence is batch marked and can be traced back to point of manufacture